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Is there anywhere where I can send small bug reports like typos or the same character being at two different tables when serving

For typos:


Is there a Spanish translation? I wish there was one.

(1 edit)

There is a Spanish translation.

hi, sweetie! i loved the game, sorry If it was already asked but do you intend to continue the romance between agnes and henry? thanks for the work and i can't wait for the updates.



Yes, although the translation is incomplete.

Deleted post

Not every interaction is illustrated. If a client gropes Agnes' ass, you should see it.


Is this "Female Protagonist" tag?  O_o


this is a pretty incredible and inventive game. excited to see where it goes. desperately needs a proof reader tho! 

What its the difference content between free and patreon? More scenes, exclusive routes...?

3 scenes have "alternative" scenes (Stalker, Stockroom Invasion, Private Meeting 3) in the Patreon version.


is there sex yet?

Can you please fix a bug that is when you tap on the screen to fast the whole game will froze and it sometimes will lose me a lot of progress. Well it can be problem from my phone but still can you please check on it thanks. (android) 

Will do

I have some questions, 

1. What do you do with the coins, how and where do you use them?

2. Is there a way to get a lot of skill points for the skill point branch at the bar in the game?



You can use the coins to buy items at Gideon's Shop and upgrade for the Limping Duck.

The best way to get skill points is to never drop the serving combo inside the bar, as you gain a 10% bonus XP that stacks with every on-time serving of the clients. The longer the shift, the higher you can get that combo.


I was wondering if anyone else is having a problem with saves, ever since v0.6 came out ... my saves do not show a picture save, just a word save. 

v0.5 was fine and version before didn't have this issue. Thank You

hi i wanted to report a bug, like its always the same problem when the man called talther Werner or something like that is in the blowjob position, in the lost scene where agnes gets drunk and he never leave, is like a dead scream where you click endure but he cames everytime and doesnt leave

Thanks for the report

Is this a bug or device problem?

Try to run the .6f version


I bought the game here today via Itch. When I have downloaded the game and want to start it. I get this message:

Microsoft Defender SmartScreen has prevented the start of an unknown app. Running this app may pose a risk to the PC.

What does this mean?

(2 edits) (+1)

This is a false positive, it's a common issue with unity based game. You can run the game anyway.

Click on "More info" then "Run" or "Run Anyway"

Ah ok thanks for the quick reply. I was worried that there might have been a dangerous file and that's why my PC warned me.

You will get MS-Defender on any Porn game, because they are unknowns or at least 89% of the time.

So, if you are going to play porn get used to it.

Microsoft never got the message: 

For post bar activities how is it possibe to get 50 plus money ,
when i try all of them in range 20 to 30 say no more moey to give

Take the "Gold Digger" skill and target clients that are "Middle Class" or "High Class"

Hey is high class required for 200 cuz middle class max out at 150 ,
I haven't gotten any high class people yet. Is it related to popularity of bar?

It's random until you have 50 popularity where you'll have one guaranteed per shift.

I when downloaded the last version, had the key for the extra content. Do I need it again or another when I update it and or put it on Android? 


Hi, I can't download the game through the app, it gives an error:

htfs.Open (initial request): in conn.Connect, exhausted retry context: in conn.tryConnect, while doing GET request: Get "": dial tcp

Unable to establish connection

Could you solve it? Thanks.

Version 0.5 was amazing where can i find 0.6 update of the game if it has been released

It's available on itch, right now.

I personally loved the 0.5 update thus far. It added so much new content and I can't believe I waited this long to play it. Can't wait tell 0.6 comes out.

So far, I think the progression percent is broken, I think I did all the content this game has to offer and I'm stuck at 92 percent. henry's storyline is stuck at 90 percent and the guards are stuck at 80 even though I blew them to get by.

Also you might want to improve the "fast fill" skill by making it semi-random. The problem is when there's tons of customers later on, you have to use this skill to get by. But sometimes it will just give you nothing but wine or beer. One shift I had to clear out the tray like three times, kinda defeats the purpose, since it's supposed to save time. Maybe that should be an upgrade to this ability that you always get 3 beers and 3 wine bottles?

Progression percentage is not broken, I managed to get 100% in 0.5 and 0.6 version of the game.
With 0.6 the "fast fill" skill will always give you 3 beers and 3 wine bottles, making this much better!

How did you get the high class client? i thinks its needed for the private show after bar shift? Also i stilll get random beer or wine while using fast fill

The high class client is random, but on a 45 minute shift I normally get one. Was lucky a few times and got one right at the start. If you get one, focus on him until he runs out of money.
Fast fill worked very well for me, it balanced it even if I had wine or beer left. Could have been luck, but with older versions of the game I often got 6 wine bottles (or only beer), so I think something has changed. 


Female bar patrons would be cool.


As a Patreon supporter I must say I am quite disappointed with the content or lack thereof.  The game is the same as it was the day you released it. Adding flirt interactions for the minibar game, taking away henry's action choices for the user, 2 new areas with no real content & still shots galore are just not cutting it since release in 2023. Maybe I'm just being a peckerhead but I would think that after 1 year of your supporters/player's feedback you would listen & make the content for them not you. 

(1 edit) (+3)

Sorry if you are disappointed with the recent changes to the game.

Content takes time to produce, it is what it is.


Totally AGREE ... I did 0.6a and what a waste of time.

Yes, there were a couple interesting twist, but still not worth the time to get them to take place ... AND ... Henry still needs more to do _ at this point, I don't even know why he is in the game other than a place holder.

Bro I understand your pain even I experienced it .



I understand that "great" things take time however this isn't really that great. Matter of fact... Think I'll cancel my Patreon membership until I see some significant changes.

I hope you will also sell Steam keys here when the game is released.


Most likely

why wont it let  me install this on itch


The game is too big to be stored on itch, you need to download it from a web browser.

yeah but im not trying to get a virus

yeah but im not trying to get a virus

Can you please provide me an alternative link to download the game in android?

I cannot it access the link given by itch🥹


This is merely a suggestion 

But could you add more uniforms ,like a maid uniform would definitely be nice 

Are all interactions random? Because Im struggling to get the table cleaning ones. Are they rarer?

You can clean a table when a client drops a drink on it. The likelihood of it increases as clients get more drunk. If you specifically want to target this interaction, you need to work longer shifts.


Deleted 214 days ago

Yes, you can get the download link from the Discord bot, the same way as for the content code. If there is an issue, hit me upon discord.

How do I make Ignis go full commando?

(1 edit)

Increase her exhib corruption level then wait for clients to snatch her panties.

Got it 👍 


Mac version not opening

(1 edit)

Follow these instructions:

• Right-click the app   
• Click Show Package Contents   
• Open the Contents folder   
• Open the MacOS folder   
• Open a new Finder window.   
• Go to your Applications folder.   
• Open the Utilities folder   
• Open Terminal   
• Type in (without the quotes) "chmod +x "  
• Go to the first Finder window without hitting enter in Terminal   
• Drag the file with the same name as the app (and without an extension), and drop it into the Terminal window.   
• Click on the Terminal window and hit enter. 

Bro the update was good but I hoped for more 

I hope you add those in future updates 

By the way thanks you reacted very quickly and sent me the update link 

I sent the changelog, not the update. The update releases on the 28th for subscribers, the 7th for the public.

I mean you had sent me what is gonna change 

Was "Cold Nights 2" fixed in the new update to get that level above 50 like it says we need to do? I know it was an issue before.

It's fixed

Hey I tried to get this game for my Mac computer but after I downloaded it it did not work. I was wondering if maybe I messed up or is it just that the game does not work with Mac computers

(1 edit)

I can't test this version, but given the number of downloads of the Mac version, it probably works if you follow these instructions:

• Right-click the app  
• Click Show Package Contents  
• Open the Contents folder  
• Open the MacOS folder  
• Open a new Finder window.  
• Go to your Applications folder.  
• Open the Utilities folder  
• Open Terminal  
• Type in (without the quotes) "chmod +x " 
• Go to the first Finder window without hitting enter in Terminal  
• Drag the file with the same name as the app (and without an extension), and drop it into the Terminal window.  
• Click on the Terminal window and hit enter.

I'm loving this game! The visuals are stunning, and the level of detail in each scene is incredible. It's clear a lot of care went into the design. Can't wait to see what future updates bring! This game has so much potential!

Hello, I would like to know if there will be new scenes with sex in the bar in the new update, and whether there will be Russian 

Yes, the translation will not be ready yet.

thanks for the answer


The only thing I'm going to Say ... Is ... The game is getting a bit Lame for as long as it has out. 


Is there intercourses in this update like not with hands but with the bananas

(1 edit) (+1)

Yeah Me too looking forward for some bananas in the bar


Can someone recommend similar games to me


Three topics down, same question.

In how many days will the update be released?

It releases this month, I don't know the exact date yet.

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